Stay positive - we will après again
By Cara Whiteman
Posted on 15th April 2020

When the uncertainty of these times gets you down, just remember that we will après again. It's a really simple but very effective mantra for us at The Ski Week right now as we, like everyone around the globe, try and stay positive. Thinking about the good times might seem trivial in the face of a pandemic but positive emotions and an upbeat mindset are two of the key tools for coping with a crisis. So here are some great ways that you can try to stay positive during the lockdown.

Talk to your friends and family
We've all been getting very well acquainted with Zoom recently, hanging out with our friends and family in a digital way. Feels like we're in different countries when maybe we're just around the corner. But there's a reason we've all gotten heavily into video calls recently: it's just as good for us as talking to someone in person.
A study by Professor Robin Dunbar at Oxford University found that video calling has the same effects as face to face conversations. The familiar voices, laughter and conversational topics reassure us plus being able to look into the eyes of the people we are talking to helps to make us feel just as connected. So don't feel guilty about your endless video chats - they are good for you.

Savour the small moments
With everything slowed to snail's pace right now, you really do have time to stop and smell the roses. Look for enjoyment in the little things - the sun shining through your window, the smell of coffee in the morning, your favourite song coming on the radio. Strangely, we do have more time to appreciate the good things currently.
In 'normal' life, we struggle to be present for moments like this as we tend to rush by on auto-pilot. Being mindful and appreciative gives our brain a chance to actually receive and process the pleasure, which in turn boosts our serotonin levels and helps us to feel both elevated and calm.

Look for the good news
Yes, the news is very scary right now and will probably stay like that for some time to come, so it's important to look out for the good news stories right now. Like the pandas who have finally started mating after a decade together at a Hong Kong theme park (perhaps because they finally have some privacy). Or the 99-year-old pensioner, Captin Tom, who has raised millions of pounds for the UK's National Health Service by walking around his garden.
By making sure we look for the positive stories, especially those that reaffirm how good humanity can be, we naturally feel more hopeful about the future. Find solace in the stories about the medical staff working around the clock to help sick patients, the scientists working towards a vaccine and the philanthropists giving money to help make this happen. There is positive news if you look for it.

Remember the happy times
If you're anything like us, then your social media feeds are filled with photos of happy memories. From cute childhood snaps to epic festival and travel photos, everyone seems to be reflecting on the good times right now. This can be tough because it can be a reminder of all the things we are missing out on, especially anything that has been cancelled this year.
But it's also good to remember that life wasn't always so locked down. It's ok to stop and take stock. 'Normal' life moves so fast that we rarely have time to appreciate all the good stuff. So scroll back through your Instagram or flip through some old Facebook photos. Remember the good times and cherish your happy memories - they mean so much more now.

Look to the future
While it's a weird time to make plans, it's really important to have things to look forward to. If you had to cancel something important or fun because of Coronavirus, think about how to reschedule it. It's also possible to dream big about what you want without necessarily knowing when it will be. Just know, there will be a time when your world extends beyond your house once again. So think about what you want that future to look like.
As our mantra says, we will après again. The Ski Week will be here in 2021. We are helping everyone who missed out this year make a plan for next year. So stay positive. Enjoy the small things. Look for goodness in the big things. Take care of yourselves and those in lockdown with you.